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Do Saunas Help You Lose Weight? Myth vs Fact

Do Saunas Help You Lose Weight? Myth vs Fact

Saunas have long been hailed as a relaxing way to unwind, but can they actually help you shed pounds? From athletes to spa-goers, many believe that spending time in the heat can lead to noticeable weight loss. But how much of this is backed by science, and how much is simply a myth? In this blog, we’ll dive into the facts and debunk the common misconceptions about saunas and weight loss. Whether you’re a sauna enthusiast or just curious about its benefits, we’ll help you separate truth from fiction.

Saunas & Weight Loss: The Truth About What They Can and Can’t Do

Nowadays, there’s a lot of talk about using saunas to lose weight, but is it accurate information? We’re here to give you the actual facts about saunas and weight loss. Below are 5 things you need to know about how saunas can help you lose weight and how they can’t:

1. Saunas do help you lose water weight.

The most immediate weight-related benefit of sauna sessions is excess water weight loss. Due to the intense heat in the room, you will sweat excessively, helping you lose extra water stored in the body. 

However, it’s essential to recognize that as you rehydrate (which you should be doing during and after the session), you’ll likely regain most of the weight. But a quick sauna session could be beneficial if you need to shed a few pounds instantly. For example, a sauna can provide an instant solution if you’re going for a job interview or a sports weigh-in. Holding the right expectations of a sauna session and weight loss is essential, so don’t expect the heated room to help you shed extensive pounds. 

2. Saunas can boost your metabolism.

Do you want your body to think you’re working out while sitting in a sauna? Your heart rate can increase to 100 beats per minute during a moderate-temperature sauna session and up to 150 beats per minute during a more intense session, similar to a moderate or vigorous-intensity workout. A boosted heart rate means an increased metabolism or the rate at which you burn calories. Research shows that regular sauna sessions (about 4–6 times a week) can boost your metabolic rate by 25%–30%, which means you’ll burn calories as you sit in a relaxing, heated room! This often only lasts a few hours after sauna therapy, but if you’d like to keep the fat-burning effects going, work up to 30-minute sessions for improved results!

3. Saunas are a natural detoxifier.

While your body naturally gets rid of toxins through urine or feces, the lymphatic system, and your breath, a sauna session can boost this natural process by excessive sweating. When we sweat, we flush out toxic metals, such as lead or mercury, that may still be in our bodies. But even better news—detoxification actually enhances the lymphatic system, maintaining a healthy immune system. Improving the lymphatic system helps the body productively use energy and triggers weight loss. You shouldn’t expect drastic results, like losing 10 pounds in a day, but getting rid of extra toxins can help you lose weight faster than you thought possible. 

4. Saunas can reduce stress.

Another way that saunas can help you lose weight is by reducing your stress level. A study done in 2017 showed that wrestlers who participated in a 20-minute sauna session reported a significant reduction in cortisol levels (our stress hormone). Higher cortisol levels can cause weight gain, slowing your metabolism and making it harder for your body to burn fat, especially in the belly region. Unhealthy stress levels also lower your self-regulation and motivation, making it more difficult to exercise and have the internal strength to maintain healthier habits. Hitting the sauna 2–3 times a week can help you relax and increase your chance of burning fat daily.

5. Saunas shouldn’t be the sole source for weight loss.

While sauna sessions may help you lose weight temporarily, you shouldn’t rely on them alone to reach your ideal weight. Saunas can add to your regular workout routine, such as weight training, HITT workouts, or pilates. Researchers are still learning about the benefits of sauna usage, including how much it helps you lose weight. Nonetheless, it’s worth giving saunas a shot because they can improve heart health, promote relaxation, and help you think more clearly. 

Be Aware of Dehydration When Using a Sauna for Weight Loss

Since you’ll be sweating excessively in the sauna, it’s crucial to hydrate before and after your session. While consistent sauna sessions produce massive benefits, such as helping you lose weight, listening to your body and staying hydrated is important. Drink water or electrolytes before stepping into the heated room, and replenish once you’re finished. Watch out for these common signs of dehydration:

  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Headache
  • Extreme thirst
  • Not urinating as frequently as normal
  • Feeling dizzy

If you feel any of these symptoms, exit the sauna and drink plenty of water. 

4 FAQs About Saunas & Weight Loss

Here are 4 common questions about using saunas for weight loss. 

1. Does a sauna burn calories?

Yes, saunas help you burn calories, but little research reveals how many calories are usually burned during a session. Although research on saunas and calorie burning is limited, one study found that men who participated in four 10-minute sauna sessions burned approximately 73 calories during the first session. In the fourth session, the average calories burned boosted to 134, and men with a higher BMI burned an additional 20 more than the other participants. 

2. Is a sauna good for losing belly fat?

According to research, several sauna sessions can help reduce BMI, body fat mass, and other body measurement parameters. Still, it’s unclear if this fat reduction targets belly fat. If you’d like to see evidence-based results, we recommend creating a weekly exercise routine that targets belly fat and eating a healthier diet.

3. Does an infrared sauna help with weight loss?

Yes, infrared saunas help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and providing numerous other health benefits. According to a 2017 article, infrared saunas can burn 400–600 calories in a 30-minute session. For the best, lasting results, it’s crucial to pair infrared sauna therapy with other methods, such as weight lifting or HITT workouts. 

4. How long should I sit in the sauna for weight loss?

For the best results, we recommend sitting in the sauna for 15–20 minutes weekly. If you want more benefits, pair your sauna session with a cold plunge!

Utilize Saunas for Weight Loss With the Help of Tubzz

How can you know if a sauna session works for weight loss unless you try it? Tubzz can help you start your journey of losing weight and creating a healthier lifestyle with our customized, state-of-the-art sauna collection. From traditional, built-in saunas to infrared heated rooms, we have a variety of saunas for Northern Utah residents to choose from. Our team specializes in personalized saunas for your at-home wellness room or outdoor oasis in the backyard. Visit our showroom and see how sauna therapy can add to your initiative to lose weight and create the holistically healthy life you crave.

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