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How to Cold Plunge: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

How to Cold Plunge: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Cold plunging is an exhilarating and refreshing practice that has gained significant popularity over the past few decades, and for good reason. Whether you’d like to improve your circulation, quicken muscle recovery, or challenge yourself mentally with a new wellness exercise, taking an ice bath can be a transformative experience. 

Have you ever considered taking the plunge into cold waters to discover how it impacts your well-being? This guide explains ice bathing, its benefits, and how to incorporate cold plunging into your life. From understanding the benefits to finding answers to common questions, you’ll grasp everything you need to know to take the plunge confidently and reap the rewards of this wellness practice. 

What is Cold Plunging?

A cold plunge is the total submersion of your body into frigid water (usually between 50℉ and 60℉) for up to 10 minutes a session. Cold plunging takes various forms, including DIY at-home ice baths, customized cold-plunge tanks, or a dip into an icy lake.

With a history dating back to the ancient Greeks, there’s no doubt that cold plunging is an effective tool to increase physical and mental fortitude. When you expose your body to icy water, it triggers various responses to maintain core body temperature. First, the blood vessels near your skin will narrow to reduce heat loss, known as vasoconstriction. Then, your metabolic rate will increase, helping to produce heat and maintain your body’s core temperature. Your cold shock response can also release adrenaline and other stress hormones, which promote mental focus and increased clarity.

Taking an ice bath is one way to push past your comfort zone, test yourself mentally and physically, and feel more present and capable of overcoming life’s challenges.

The Benefits of Taking the Plunge

This form of cold therapy has become increasingly popular over the last decade, especially during COVID-19 and lockdown protocols. Dr. Lubna Khan-Salim, an avid cold plunger and aesthetic surgeon, states, “It particularly took hold in lockdown during the global pandemic. It was a relatively safe activity for people to do outdoors while social distancing and many people took to social media to share how a cold dip improved their mood and health.” 

Entrepreneurs, health enthusiasts, and celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, Harry Styles, Tom Brady, and Tim Ferriss, swear by ice baths and their healing remedies. What is it about cold plunging that makes it so in demand? Here are a few benefits you can expect to receive from consistent ice baths: 

  • Reduced inflammation and muscle soreness
  • Improved immunity system
  • Boosted mood and focus
  • Enhanced recovery and physical performance
  • Accelerated metabolism
  • Better resiliency and stress management

Scientific evidence confirms the benefits of cold plunging. A 2022 research overview of 52 studies showed that ice bath immersion following a high-intensity workout positively affected muscular strength, perceived recovery, and lessened muscle soreness 24 hours later. Another study in EXPLORE found that winter sea bathing lowered stress levels and heightened the participants’ overall well-being. Researchers also suggested that those who participated in winter sea bathing felt an increased understanding of their health compared to those who didn’t. In addition, an analysis showed that cold plunging at 57℉ caused a 250% increase in dopamine levels, with a 530% increase in noradrenaline levels that continued for several hours after the ice bath.

There’s no doubt that cold plunging offers numerous health and wellness benefits for those brave enough to take the leap. If you want to experience the transformative effects of ice baths, you’ll need to know the answers to these commonly asked questions beforehand.

Before the Plunge: 5 Commonly Asked Questions From Beginners

Before we explain how to cold plunge, here are answers to 5 FAQs for those new to ice baths:

1. How long should I cold plunge?

    If you’re entirely new to cold plunging, you can start by spending as little as 30 seconds to 1 minute in the ice bath before exiting. The sweet spot for a cold plunge is ideally 2–3 minutes, producing the above benefits. Don’t stay in the ice bath longer than 10 minutes at a time, even if you’re an experienced cold plunger.

    2. What is the recommended cold plunge temperature?

      Experts recommend that a temperature range of 50℉ to 60℉ is the most effective for reaching the benefits of an ice bath. While these temperatures are shocking to the system, they won’t be overwhelming to the point of danger. If you’re new to ice baths, try out a cold shower or a warmer cold plunge (64℉ to 72℉) before taking the brave step into frigid waters. 

      3. How often should I cold plunge?

        It’s best to cold plunge 2 to 3 times per week or 1 to 2 times if you’re a beginner. Between ice baths, your body needs time to recover and take breaks—that’s why cold plunging every day isn’t a good idea. Give your body the rest it needs, especially if you’re physically active in other ways during the week. 

        4. Is it okay to cold plunge before or after my workout?

          Whether or not you should combine cold plunging with your workout depends on your health aspirations. Suppose your goal is to increase strength and gain muscle; cold plunging after a workout has downsides. Research shows that while cold plunging decreases muscle soreness post-workout, it can inhibit muscle growth if done after resistance/strength training. Fortunately, ice baths don’t affect aerobic training adaptions or performance negatively—if you’d like to cold plunge after a run or cycling workout, that’s not a problem. Experts recommend reserving cold water immersion for cardio or rest days. If you’d like to cold plunge on the same day as a strength training session, do it beforehand or wait at least four hours post-workout so you don’t stop muscle growth.

          5. Who should avoid cold plunging?

            You should avoid cold plunging if you have any of the following conditions:

            • Heightened stress
            • Heart condition
            • Circulatory illness
            • High blood pressure
            • Diabetes
            • Cold agglutinin disease

            If you have the illnesses mentioned, talk with your doctor about trying ice baths and ensure you’re cleared before taking the plunge. Even if you’re in the clear, bring a buddy to prioritize your safety.

            We also recommend that pregnant women consult with their doctor before cold plunging. While pregnant, an ice bath can feel like sweet relief, boosting mental clarity and decreasing body pain. However, double-check with your doctor or midwife before proceeding to ensure your and your baby’s safety.

            Are you wondering if you can cold plunge when you’re sick? Take an inventory of your symptoms to decide. Ice baths can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation and boost energy for minor illnesses. However, if you have a fever, it’s best to hold out on cold plunging until your body returns to an average temperature.

            How to Cold Plunge: 4 Steps to Have a Successful Icy Submersion

            Don’t wait any longer to take the plunge. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cold plunging for beginners: 

            1. Prepare yourself mentally and physically before taking the plunge. For some beginners, a warm shower before stepping into the ice bath increases blood flow and prepares your body for the frigid water. If you skip the warm shower, visualize how you’d like to feel during the cold plunge and practice relaxing breathing techniques to get ready mentally. If you’re having a DIY at-home cold plunge, prepare your water and pour your ice into the bathtub. 
            2. Ensure the water is at your preferred temperature, and slowly submerge your body into the cold water, starting with the feet and gradually working your way up to the neck. Start with a short dip of 30 seconds to 1 minute, taking deep breaths to calm your brain and slow down your heart rate. Go at your comfortable pace, even if that means lowering your body in the water inch by inch. 
            3. While in the water, you may experience hyperventilation or quicker breathing, which is normal. Submerging yourself in ice-cold water kicks your body into an involuntary physiological fight-or-flight response, meaning your heart rate picks up and your breath quickens. Over time, your body will relax and adjust to the cold plunge, building mental resiliency. Stay strong and remember to breathe, let out deep exhalations, and remain present in the ice bath. 
            4. Exit the ice bath slowly after 1-3 minutes and let your body warm to its normal temperature. To aid your body in raising its temperature, stretch out in the sun, take a walk outside, have a warm drink, or dress in layers. Take this step steadily, ensuring you warm up naturally instead of shocking your body into a hot temperature. If you feel worn out after cold plunging, have a snack to boost your energy!

            If it’s your first cold plunge, follow the above steps with a buddy! Not only will you have an adventurous story to share, but you’ll have the accountability to stay in the cold waters and build resiliency. The best way to make cold plunging a part of your life is to make it a weekly habit. Start taking ice baths 1–2 times a week and work your way up to 3–4 days. Invite friends and family, and experience how cold plunging improves your life and well-being!

            Insider Tips: Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Plunging

            Cold plunging can go wrong the first time around in a few ways. To prevent a failed ice bath experience, keep these expert tips in mind:

            Do: Take your time to warm up after cold plunging. Exit the cold plunge slowly; you may still feel short of breath and shiver. Wrap yourself in a towel, change into post-cold plunge clothes, and let your body gradually return to a normal temperature.

            Don’t: warm up too quickly after taking the plunge. While there’s a place for hot and cold therapy, it’s not a good idea for beginner cold plungers to try it. Avoid hot showers, saunas, and other extreme forms of heat until your body naturally warms up.

            Do: listen to your body’s signals and exit the cold plunge when needed. If you start to feel uncomfortable or experience pain, it’s best to exit the cold plunge and listen to your body. 

            Don’t: push past your limits and stay in for an extended period if you’re not ready. Cold plunging challenges our comfort zone, but there’s no need to push past the internal cues from your body. Don’t stay in the ice bath longer than necessary; remember that you can work up to a certain amount of time at your own pace. 

            Do: cold plunge at a consistent time each day. Pick a time and day that works for you, and stick to a regular schedule of ice baths throughout the week. The best time of day to cold plunge is the morning, as it wakes you up and gives you the energy to take on the tasks ahead of you.

            Don’t: cold plunge at night or right before bedtime. Since cold plunging increases alertness and energy levels, jumping into frigid waters before sleeping is not a good idea. Cold plunging does improve sleep, but it’s best to stick to morning or afternoon ice baths. 

            Tubzz Will Help You Start Cold Plunging From the Comfort of Your Home

            Do you want to brave the icy plunge? Let Tubzz help you get there. Our ColdFlow system transforms nearly any tub into an energizing cold plunge experience. Incorporated with an ozone system, we guarantee your water remains sanitized, providing a clean and revitalizing ice bath 100% of the time. Our ColdFlow system sets the water to a temperature of 45°F to 55°F, creating a refreshing and therapeutic cold plunge immersion for everyone, from beginners to professionals.
            Don’t wait to embark on a wellness journey that leaves you feeling balanced, present, and wholistically healthy. Contact Tubzz to visit our showroom, try out the ColdFlow system, and experience how it can improve your life.

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