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Sauna vs Steam Room: Which One is Better?

Sauna vs Steam Room: Which One is Better?

In today’s world, pursuing holistic wellness is a top priority. One health-conscious method individuals try out is heat therapy. From dry-heated saunas to refreshing steam rooms, there are endless heat therapy options to enhance your overall well-being. However, is there a path to health via heat therapy that’s better than the other? Are steam rooms superior to saunas, or is it the other way around? 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about saunas vs. steam rooms. Whether you’re interested in the benefits of each or are trying to decide which heated space is best for you, you’ll find the answers in this article. Keep reading to become an expert on the differences between saunas and steam rooms.

What is a Steam Room vs a Sauna? Here Are the 2 Main Differences

While both saunas and steam rooms involve whole-body exposure to heated air, these health rooms differ considerably. The main distinctions between a steam room vs. a sauna are how each space produces heat and the differing temperatures of the rooms.

A steam room is heated by steam produced by a generator filled with boiling water. Steam rooms are often 95–100% humid and set to temperatures of 114–120℉. Upon entering, the air will feel thick and wet, and you’ll feel water droplets from the steam condensing on your skin.

In contrast, a sauna is warmed with an electric heater, heated rocks, or a wood-burning stove. Dry heat is a signature of saunas compared to steam rooms’ wet, humid warmth. Additionally, with temperatures rising to 180–200℉, saunas are considerably hotter than steamed spaces.

Now that you know what distinguishes these two types of heated spaces, let’s explore the benefits of a sauna vs a steam room. 

The Top Health Benefits of a Sauna vs Steam Room

Both saunas and steam rooms provide immense health rewards. Below, we outline the benefits of a sauna vs. a steam room and end with the health advantages these heated spaces offer. 

Benefits of a Sauna:

  • Improves brain health and reduces dementia risk
  • Positively impacts heart health
  • Clears out airway inflammation

Since their start over 2,000 years ago, sauna rooms have only increased in popularity—and there’s good reason for this health trend! Over the years, extensive research has confirmed the benefits of consistent sauna therapy. 

A 2016 study, for instance, validates the fact that saunas can be utilized by individuals for increased brain functioning and to decrease the chance of developing mental disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. By following over 2,315 healthy men aged 42 to 60 years for 20 years, this analysis found that those who practiced sauna therapy 4–7 times a week were 66% less likely to acquire dementia and 65% less likely to gain Alzheimer’s than those who didn’t use a sauna. Numerous other studies prove that sauna therapy improves learning and memory, betters lung functionality, and decreases the risk of cardiac-induced death.

Benefits of a Steam Room:

  • Opens up sinuses
  • Loosens phlegm and lessens congestion

There haven’t been as many studies on the advantages of steam rooms compared to saunas. However, based on the little scientific evidence we do have, there’s no doubt that steam rooms are a powerful, holistic healing tool. The most significant benefit of steam rooms is their ability to open up airways and decrease congestion in the respiratory system. According to one study, hot, humid air was found to help clear mucus, which can be magnified by inhaling steam. Another analysis concluded that steam inhalation can better chronic sinusitis by improving sinus drainage. While steam rooms can help relieve congestion temporarily, evidence still needs to support it as an effective treatment. 

Benefits of Both Saunas & Steam Rooms

While both saunas and steam rooms can have different purposes, there are a few benefits these heated rooms share:

  • Muscle Soreness and Recovery: Moist and dry heat from saunas and steam rooms is the perfect solution for sore muscles. On your recovery days, spend time in one of these heated rooms to relax muscle fibers and improve circulation. By the end of your heat therapy session, you’ll experience increased flexibility and movement.
  • Skin Health: Whether you’re in the sauna or a steam room, you’ll sweat considerably. Fortunately, sweating opens up your pores and naturally cleanses your skin of dirt, dead skin, and toxins. Spending time in one of these heated rooms will leave your skin feeling hydrated and fresh and may even decrease acne breakouts!
  • Reduced Stress: The heat from saunas and steam rooms relaxes muscles in your face, neck, and body, promoting deep relaxation in every session. Heat can also trigger a physiological response that regulates hormones associated with the body’s stress response. If you need to quiet your mind, hop in a sauna or steam room to let go of the day’s worries.
  • Pain Relief: Saunas and steam rooms’ warm temperatures soothe aching joints and reduce stiffness within the body. Research shows that heat therapy aids in chronic pain management, increasing flexibility and relaxing tension.

Which is Better, a Sauna or a Steam Room? Settling the Debate

Now that we’ve explored the advantages of saunas vs. steam rooms, it’s time to answer the popular question: which is better for your health? The answer is that both saunas and steam rooms improve well-being and provide similar rewards, and either one is an excellent choice if you’d like to relax and reap the benefits of heat therapy.

However, evaluating your specific goals regarding saunas and steam rooms is also essential. For instance, if you’d like to clear out your sinuses, a steam room may be the better option. On the other hand, if you want to improve your brain’s health, try out a sauna to experience the transformative power of the dry-heated rooms. Try out both heated rooms and discover what works best for you!

Steam Room vs. Sauna Room: 3 FAQs

Do you still have questions about steam rooms vs. saunas? Here are 3 common questions we hear from those comparing saunas and steam rooms: 

1. Should you go in the steam room or sauna first?

There is no rule as to whether a steam room or sauna should come first. Oftentimes, people start with a sauna and end with the steam room. Due to the sauna’s higher temperature, it’s preferred to start there, inducing a deep sweat, and conclude with the cooler steam room, re-hydrating the skin and relaxing the muscles.

Many people decide to do a few 5–20 minute sessions in the sauna, ending with one (or a few) 10–15 minute steam room visit. Drink plenty of water during the process and let your body return to a normal temperature before rinsing off. It’s not also necessary to do both a sauna and steam room in one day since both heated rooms provide similar benefits. 

2. Do you sweat more in a sauna or steam room?

With the sauna’s dry, higher temperature, you’re likely to sweat excessively more in a sauna. While steam rooms can facilitate a solid sweat session, the moisture you feel on your skin is more often the result of steam condensation in the heated room. 

3. How long should you stay in a sauna or steam room, and is it safe to do every day?

Saunas and steam rooms are recommended to be used 2–3 times a week for no more than 10–20 minutes a session. However, if you’re an experienced sauna user, you can also opt for intervals. These include 15–20 minute stretches inside the heated room with a 5-minute break outside in between sessions, repeated 3–4 times. While saunas can be used every day, steam rooms are encouraged to only be used a couple of times per week. If you decide to sauna every day, limit your sessions to a maximum of 20 minutes. 

Incorporate Heat Therapy Into Your Daily Routine With the Help of Tubzz

Do you want to include heat therapy in your weekly routine? Tubzz can make that happen. With our state-of-the-art sauna selection, you can enjoy the benefits of sauna therapy from the comfort of your home. From our custom built-in or freestanding infrared warmed rooms to traditional wood-burning saunas, Tubzz has everything you need. We provide customizations such as heater options, sizes, controllers, lighting, and style, ensuring your dream sauna becomes a reality. Make your well-being a top priority and invest in one of our luxurious saunas. Contact us today to schedule a visit to our showroom and experience the transformative power of sauna therapy.

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